Thursday, November 29, 2018

what a day

it has been quite a day.

dropped my car off to be looked at and fixed at 10:30.  +  low level of anxiety.

piddled around target.

came back to the apartment only to find black mold and moisture around our bedroom windows. Time to call the handy man. + enter frustration

so now we have to move the furniture so he can get to the windows. Jimmie starts arguing with me about how i organize my clothes??? + Pissy mod.

 The handy man manages to come very quickly. Dries up the mold, does something to help prevent some of the moisture.  yay.

but i'm still in a frustrated/pissy mood when ... jimmie's ex shows up to visit. (Not unexpectedly; she is in th Navy and is on leave - shes friends/knows everyone in the apartment except me)

I meet her and fully intent to like her.... within 30 seconds i know that i don't. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way.  Over the time spent with her i pretty much just hear how things were "when I was on the island" and her remembering parties with everyone. (So far the only common ground i have found with her is that she likes harry potter.)

She hasn't brought food with her like i was told she would which mean we were probably going to eat out. +mild annoyance at change of plans without warning.

I wander off to my room for a bit while everyone catches up feeling slightly uneasy but pretty much shaking it off. wait until 3:45 and call about my car.

easy and cheap fix = $45. This means - anxiety + relief
it also means i can afford to take everyone out to go see a movie, something i thought everyone would enjoy. +excitement

Only Diana wants to go. - excitement +disappointed/feeling rejected.

Jimmie asks if i'm okay with his ex being there and i say yes. I'm not bothered by her just being there - i become uncomfortable when i have to interact with her... besides it should only be for a few hours right?

I get my car and pick up gumbo from my mom for dinner tomorrow.

We go out to eat. i find out about her like of harry potter. Try to make conversation with her but it just flops. I feel uncertain about how everything is being paid for so i ask jimmie if i'm paying for myself and he responds with "I guess so". He seemed off in his tone with me during the dinner, bouncing between concerned and annoyed. Again conversation wasn't any topic i could contribute to. + uncertainty

So we come home. I suggest playing a game to pass the time until Diana and I go see our movie. Apparently no on hears, but everyone is for it when Jimmie and Diana suggest it. +annoyance

We end up playing my board game Quelf. Its super fun ad super silly. I actually think it can help break the ice and make me like her more... + Hope

its the exact type of game she hates and she pretty much didn't play.  +frustration

Diana and I go to the movie. I miss jimmie but the movie is pretty good. +disappointment +mild amusement

We come back and see everyone has clearly been drinking. Wine. Sake. and idk what else. And I see her in different/more comfy clothes that to me look like something she could sleep in.... which leads me to believe she is going to be staying the night. +agitation -any good mood left  +more unease.

Jimmie keeps coming back to check on me since i'm alone in the room and on my computer away from everyone. By his body language, tone, and what he says I think that he is under the impression that i feel threatened by his ex? which is not the case. She poses no threat to me or my relationship.

I just don't like her.

And I feel like ive barley actually gotten to spen d actual time with Jimmie. +disapintment

it hasn't been a horrible day. It has't been a enjoyable day.
its been like a bowl of luke warm flavorless cream of wheat.


And little aggutations just keep popping up and piling on.

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