Friday, August 23, 2019

faerie meditation.

33: faerie magick - a little extra life force flowing through the fingers, a little extra depth in the way you see the world, a little extra tastiness to the food you eat, and a little extra kindness to you every day. Let whatever magic you do have the blessing of the fae - so that your words and your actions, your wishes and dreams begin to merge, one unto the other, until the inner world is mirrored by the outer world and you feel you are creating what you desire within your life. Co-creation, ceremony, a desire made actions blessing that is enacted, You are a blessed child of the fae, and they offer you now their magic. this entry into the natural world, so that you too can know the gift of the touch that brings life into the world.

4: rapture-  moment that makes you draw your breath in and pause, wondering at the beauty and the ecstasy of existence. Pure, unadulterated wonder that opens the heart and brings a deep joy. Feeling tht to be alive is a blessing, that to feel deeply is  a gift, that to be able to share the wonder of existence and natural raptures is an inspiration to all you encounter. it is as if your eyes can see a little mre clearly, as if your heart is open a little more wider, your whole being is leaning into te experience of life. You feel more connected to everything , more joyful, more patient, more kind, yet more active than before. you feel part of a grand story and you know how glorious life can be. this energy will flow through you into the world, becoming part of your contribution to the planet - and the faeries are glad you have finally touched the ecstasy of life and know the beauty of life. even when this moment has passed, you will be forever changed in magickal ways. 

30: Litha - the feast of the faeries are given to encourage you to take this day to drink down its sweetness, to celebrate your own life, and to bring a sense of being beyond day-to-day cares - to devote at least a portion of this day ti the divine acts of celebration and connection with enchantment. The gift of Litha s the gift of celebrating your life, living to the fullest, and resisting giving into those who would ask you to hold back and live less fiercely. feel uplifted by interactions with nature. this day will be long, and good, and sweet and filled with unexpected joys and kindness. 

5: blessing of honesty  *this card was in reverse so tis is a blessing i need to work towards or one tgat will turn my world upside down when i receive it. - your ability to see clearly what is true and what is not, to hear words that are truthful, to speak the truth in ways that will be heard, to live from the heart with integrity. Living true to yourself, settling effortlessly into who you are - for who you are is so earthy and real that others feel safe to be themselves too. there will be no self-deception and no lack of clarity. You are who you are, and that is a blessing to the whole planet. People will be open and honest with you, and all will be clear and true. 

23: Laughter - Clean and pure spirited laughter, not making fun of someone in any way. Lightening the serious load of life with laughter - a gift directly from the faeries who, although are serious beings, know how to laugh and play. Let laughter cut through the stiffness and propriety of life. 

34: Brigid's Flame -  she who unites us, she who protects us, she who inspires us, has claimed you. This firey ignition is key to the birthing of ideas ad ideals, and thus she brings her fire to your blessings, and ensures you will be warmed, that sacred hospitality will reign, that all will be welcomed, that solar light will burn brightly for you. Bigid's faery light is a brightness that brings warmth, new life, even rebirth to our souls. She is able to burn away within us all that is harming us and illuminate all of our best traits too. she will help you move further into your own creative power in healthy, beneficial ways that help people contribute from their very best selves. where her flame is, peace is found, inspiration is birthed, and goodness abounds, goodness flows, and a sense of united purpose completes us, and brings us home.

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