Tuesday, August 17, 2021



Okay so I lost a money order that had my rent. I requested to have it refunded but was told the wrong form. I found out what the right form is and it's a longer process to both fill out the form and wait to see if I have done enough. I am not hopeful. 

I also challenged the charge through my bank, who gave me the money temporarily while they looked into whether they could cancel the order. They cannot and they will be taking the money back. I had put the money in my savings so that will deplete it by $500. 

And then SOMEHOW and I have absolutely no idea how, my $50 credit card payment was changed to $1100 and some. Wiping out my checking account completely. So I had to take a grand out of my savings to be able to withstand all of my automatic payments of the month. 

In two weeks my 2K in savings, that I had worked hard to save up for my move to wilmington is gone. I want to cry. I want to throw up at how much I have lost. But we survive. 

I have enough on my EBT to feed me for the next several months. 
I will be putting all expenses that are not automatic payments on my credit card; including next month's rent since I can pay it through paypal - that should help make up for the missing money order rent check. 
I will get through this and rebuild my savings one step at a time. 

I want to cry. It seems whenever I finally start to get my life in order and things are relatively stable and good... I get hit in the wallet and crippled financially. First its my car. then its my car. then its a lost rent check. then its a gross over payment on debt. 

I can't seem to win. 

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