Saturday, June 28, 2014

farewell, so long, adue....

its time to start saying good bye.

2 members of our family are leaving us.

Racheal leaves in 3 days, counting today, for West Point... the next time i see her will prolly be at christmas..

and Peaches, our oldest cat is going to be put down soon. He's old, he has arthritis and we will not let him suffer. he also peed on my bed yesterday.... we suspect that he was asleep and couldn't control his bladder.

i love them both...

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you and Racheal could Skype (:
    Peaches is such a sweetie :( I'm so sorry, dear! If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Would you like to hangout and do something fun soon? My schedule is pretty flexible, so just let me know :)
    Best wishes,
