Friday, February 5, 2016

Proposal Paragraph

  • Questions about the major players in the issue:
  • questions about the issue itself:
  • what do you want/ need to know to answer the question?

When one really thinks about the issue of religious ignorance there turns out to be several major players involved. On a smaller scale there are the parents who wage their war and the teachers who must try to survive, tip toeing around while still trying to sharpen their pupil's minds. What can be done to show parents the importance of teaching world religions to their children? What guidelines or assurances can be given to teachers to allow them to give such important information while not having to worry about being attacked for doing their jobs? The fear that the  younger generation will sympathize with the Islamic extremists tends to be the focus on anti-religious movement in schools; parents seem to be worried that teachers sugar coating the issue. On the larger scale there is the entire country. Following the example of the fear of Islamic Extremists, ignorance of the Islamic religion has lead to an anti-Muslim in parts of the country. When politics get mixed in some very bad things can happen; which begs the question: what problems can occur nationwide when religious ignorance reaches a political and governmental level and how could it affect America's relations with other countries?  

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