Tuesday, June 25, 2013

truth and lies

i hate it when you are telling the truth and people think you are lieing....

so. the other day i forgot to take my medication in the morning, but i took it at night. which means there was one pill left over. my mom saw and said, the next day, "you forgot to take your pill last night"... which i corrected her "i took it last night, i forgot to take it yesterday morning"... which she then accuses me of calling her a liar. i hate it when she does that... she says she checked my medication during the afternoon and said that there was only one pill in the spot for that day. idk, how this was, i think the pills were stacked on top of eachother (which has happened before) but i know i took it that night and i know there was a pill left over.

and the theory that my mom and aunt think about me trying to ween myself off of my medication...is total bullshit!! why on earth would i want to get off my medication? it is what keeps me from getting so depressed and angry i just want to end it all. It is what helps me to handle the emotion roller coaster i am on. why the hell would i want to stop taking it? where is the logic in that? what the fuck?

so this all added to the cat litter incident pretty much equals a very tense situation between me and my mom.

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