Sunday, November 24, 2013


why is life so frustrating?
ok so i sent Ashley W this: 

WARNING: i'm about to do somthing stupid. please forgive me.
i'm sorry, but i need to know what is going on. I really like you, and i mean like, butterflies in my stomach when i see you sent me a message kind of "like". but if there is no chance of something happening i need to know so i can divert my attention elsewhere. you are an amazing girl. you are beautiful, funny, smart, spunky, and cool as hell. but, you have a boyfriend (which actually...doesn't bother me- that probably makes me a bad person lol) and i don't know what the situation is. So, i'm leaving the ball in your court, but i need to know

she replied

I'd like to still talk to you often, you're so unique and brighten my day and I still realllyyyy want to hang out with you sometime. But I'm trying to be faithful this time around.. I wish we had started talking more in depth like we did before I got with him, but he treats me well and doesn't hit me like the last guy, I feel it'd be unfair to him to just call it off outve the blue. But.. As much as it kills me to say this.. It might be better for you if you diverted your attention.. Penny for your thoughts?

i replied:

well, i don't see any harm with us just talking for now i see what you mean and i think it shows you have good character. i denfinitley want to keep talking, if that is cool with you?and we really do need to hang out so, we talk for now, and i will keep my eyes open for anyone who might catch my attention, and if something happens, god forbid, and you two split up (which i don't want to happen, because he makes you happy) i'll be here?

she replies:

Thank you for being understanding <3

... is so frustrating....

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