Monday, March 23, 2015

bills pt 2

health insurance bill went through.
can't pay the state tax online, it won't let me.
so tomorrow i have to go in person.

so...lets do some math?

515-145  (round up with tax?) = 370.

370 - 105 (state tax) = 265


that is how much i will have to my name when all this shit clears.


i get paid next Wednesday April 1.

probably about 250.

thats 515.

now.... subtrack  next month's bills 310...(165+145) ..... = 205.

add in my second paycheck

205 + 250 = 455.

455- 310 =  145. - the next months bills
145 + 250 = 395 - paycheck #1

and it keeps going down...
if i keep going i'm going to freak.
so lets clean this up yes? make it more simple.

i get payed about 250 each paycheck. every other week, so about twice a month.

thats 500. minus the bills (310).
thats 190

minus gas per month = 40-50

thats 140.
minus me buying food at school every day. (22 days a month i'm at school. food is AT LEAST $7)
thats 140 - 154.

thats a  -$14.

so lets say i drive less.  make that 50 go to a 40.
aaaand i don't eat as much.  154 to.... 106. (thats eating a $8 meal at school twice a week and a $3 the other school days)

500 - 310 = 190
190 - 40 = 150
150 -106= 44..

so. if i only drive to and from school and work.
don't buy any groceries to help out around the house.
only eat at school twice a week (tues and thurs) and only eat ONCE at school.
eat a mcdonald's mc'chicken and a sweet tea (about $3) the other days (MWF).
and don't see my girlfriend at all.
then i can just barely do this.

thoth help me.
grpwing up is hard.

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