Thursday, September 24, 2015

Faerie Paper Outline

so here is what i'm thinking...

  1. What is a faerie:
    1. Origins -
      1. quote website... then say that the paper will focus on celtic origins
        2. Which countries are considered celtic?
      2. Tuatha De Dennan -> Sidhe -> faeries (use link in comparison blog)
      3. Fallen Angel Theory
      4. Otto theory
    2. Characteristics 
      1. Glamour (quote Iron King)
      2. Iron
      3. Shape.... go into the wide variety (humanoid like elves, animalish like kelpie...sizes.... irish vs sweedish elves)
    3. Types
      1. Nature/trees - dryads, piskies - or just 1 from every country to compare
      2. Water - Selkies, merrows,  kelpie
  2. Organization
    1. Courts (see if there is variation amung countries on courts.... or if it is just scottish)
      1. Seelie
      2. Unseelie
      3. Wild/Solitary
      4. House Faeries
  3. How the belief affects the culture
    1. olden times
    2. modern times (iceland article: )
  4. How the belief has evolved through religion
    1. Why would it be grouped into religion? - based off of definition of religion (i'll give examples that fit).... re-bring up Otto. 
    2. pagan belief in faeries
    3. Christian belief in faeries 
      1. ^^^ these two would involve my conversations with people... but they weren't interviews...exactly? just conversations.
  5. Conclusion
    1. restate what the celtic faeries are
    2. Why was the belief in them so important
    3. how is it still important now

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