Friday, October 16, 2020


 So. Instead of chandler taking his room and making him move out... I'm going to live on my own. There are a lot of reasons to do this. Money will be REALLY FUCKING tight. But I will find a way to make it work. See if I can qualify for EBT... go to foodbanks on Saturday or Sunday mornings. But I have been craving my own space, and wanting to get away from paramount anyway. I'll be so close to work that I could walk to work in the mornings (although crossing the street is going to be hard). 

This way Chandler can stay living with him, hes not alone without any support... and I know they really do get along with each other. She'll be happier living with him than living with me. Besides... I think I really need to take some time to myself after all this. I jumped right into a relationship after Jimmie and never took the time to myself. I don't want to do that again. Even just sharing a living space.. I want somewhere that is mine and just mine. 

Somewhere I can bring people in when I want and then be alone when I want. Somewhere I can heal and grow and then emerge when I'm ready. I want it to be just me and my cats again. Go out and see people... have people come see me. But it would be my space. 

These are things I need to acquire... but the things in bold are what I will need right away DAY of move in. 

Deposit: 500 + 150 utilities fee + Suddenlink fees = 800 est. fees alone to move and get internet


Living Room


Me: --> $160 before tax

- Cara: --> 130 before tax

TV stand - Already have one

Shelving - Headboard already have (books one side, movies the other?)

TV - already have

DVD Player - already have

Desk (for art and computer) - 

Shoe rack (by the door) - 

Coffee Table ---> $120 before tax

Low seating for game nights/hidden storage for games - 

Mock Plant Cat Litter (and I can throw out the one I currently use)  - --> 50




- Microwave - ---> $70

- portable dishwasher

- tap water filter

- ice trays

- mini freezer

- plates and cups = target/walmart plastic ones. 

- Silverware and knife set (take the cutting board)  - walmart probably like $30

- Shelving = Pantry - $110



      -  --> 65$

     - --> $200

- pet stairs??

- portable closet - --> $52

- Cheap Dresser (at least a small one for my PJ's, pants, and delicates)  --> $70

- shoe rack

- shelving - --> $42

- End tables at (least 2) - --> $60

- Colored christmas lights (pink, purple, blue, or gold?) 

- Night stand --> $30


- shower curtain - 25 amazon

- floormat


- Small Storage shed for boxes and stuff  

- Faerie Alter? 

- Garden box? (mint, thyme, rose?) 

Furniture: $999.... 

Small and Misc Stuff: ALL need to be had.

- dish detergent (before I get the dishwasher)

- Scrubby

- Laundry Detergent

- Dryer sheets


- scissors

- Tape

- Handsoap

- Toilet Paper!!!!!!

- Paper Towels

- (Wax melt goes in the kitchen)

- Food. Bulk up on food to start. Fill the pantry. 


Aine - Bathroom by the mirror

Maeve - bedroom

Brigid - Kitchen

Lilith? - Bedroom on dresser

Soul - Bedroom on Dresser

Kyuan Yin - Living Room

Native Ancestors - Living Room?

Demeter - living Room? Bedroom?

Cernunnos - Living Room? Bedroom?

Where I hope to be moving: --> 475 a month. 

other possibilities:

College Park - although I'll either have neighbors above or below me :(  and I would need to get washer and dryer.  

Rivers Edge -

Portable washer/Dryer (this has great reviews... wash once with soap, once without, spin each half of the load twice to dry)


The bare minimum I need is the pantry ($110), the microwave ($70),  the bed (200), the closet ($52), the dresser ($70), and some night tables ($30 x 2) - oh and the plant kitty litter ($50). 

The living room furniture can wait. For now, I can use boxes and my spare blankets to make a makeshift seat xD and a tub as the coffee table. haha. 

Josh's mom may be able to give me some furniture... 

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