Thursday, October 8, 2020

Re-Evaluating My relationship

 I love Viking Man. 

I can see myself marrying Viking Man. 
I honestly can't see myself or my life without him. 
I have been through enough disrespect in my past relationships I will not be tolerating any more. 

We were set to go to my grandmother's wedding this weekend. 
it's going to be emotionally taxing. It's going to be a long and exhausting drive. 
I wanted my boyfriend for support. 
Even though he said he didn't want to, he agreed to go. 

Yesterday he tell me there is a chance he could get a puppy (mind you, a puppy that doesn't fit our lifestyle and comes with a whole boatload of issues and could easily rack up over a grand in vet visits a year... but did he look into the breed? no. he likes it because he thinks it is cute) this weekend so he doesn't know if he is going to the wedding. 

If the guy never messages him - he will go to the wedding. 
If the guy says he can get the pup before the wedding - he won't go to the wedding because he doesn't want to get a puppy and leave it right after. for two days. TWO FUCKING DAYS. 
If the guy says he can come see the pup friday or saturday - he's not going to the wedding. 

The disrespect is unreal. 

1) He FINALLY said that he would wait to get a dog until we moved out of this apartment. I allowed myself to relax. Stop stressing. I had time.... Now he's going back on it. 
 --- This is an ongoing trend. He constantly says he will do something and then backs out at the last second. I am getting fed up. 
--- Getting a dog is inconsiderate to our roommates, myself, and our neighbors to say the least. And i told him when we first met that inconsideration was my biggest turn-off/pet peeve. 

2) He is missing possibly his only chance to meet my grandmother. 

3)He has proven once again that my opinion on the dog that he gets doesn't matter - which is incredibly disrespectful and inconsiderate considering I will be living with it too. That or he doesn't expect our relationship to actually last and thus my opinion would be insignificant. So either he's an asshole or he doesn't actually think this relationship will work. 

4) He is choosing the possibility of getting a dog over me. How the hell is that supposed to make me feel. 

5) Ive already told him in the past he HAS to give me time to dog proof my room so the cats have space. Meaning i need to find and set up a super durable baby gate. Can't do that if i'm 8 hours away, alone, at my grandmother's wedding. 

6) EDIT: This is also the second time he has put his wants over me needing him for support. 

I love him but I have had to choose self respect and self love over a partner in the past. 
I am not going to stand for this. 

He can either fucking wait until we are out of the apartment, get a different fucking dog, NOT get it this weekend, or I honestly don't know if I can stay in this relationship - as amazing as it is in other aspects. I will not let myself be treated like a doormat again. Getting a dog is not a small decision and the fact that I get no say in the matter only goes to show he doesn't actually value me as a partner.  

I don't know if I somehow pissed off Oshun when I gave her my thank you offering but this definitely was unexpected. 

and to be clear it is not technically a dog we would be breaking up over, although I wouldn't have moved in with him if he already had one, its the disrespect of the situation. 

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