Wednesday, January 27, 2016

English Assignment part 3 - paragraph 2

Publication Profile

  1. Publication Editorial Policy
    1.  Politics, culture, business, science, technology, health, education, global affairs, more
    2. Also accept works of fiction.
    3. Focus on events that are still unfolding - in progress
  2. Other titles from the publication (from around the same time)
    1. How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus
    2.  How Do the 2015 Forest Fires in California and Washington Compare to Past Years?
    3.  The Most Mysterious Star in Our Galaxy
    4.  From ISIS to Russia: How War Changed in 2015
    5. The 2016 U.S. Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet
  3.  Publication Format, Design, and Purpose
Paragraph 2

The Atlantic's online home page is divided into different genres for the reader so that they can more easily find articles and stories that interest them. This is done in layers that with the top story is given the most space and underneath that are more top stories. Next comes A section for stories in progress is presented, which goes to to show that the Atlantic doesn't just focus on things after they happen, it follows events as they unfold. The section after that are videos on a variety of topics, from socio-cultural to science to politics; often a mix in-between. Political articles follows, then technology, the top 5 most popular articles, photos, and science. The format gets even more detailed by having separate sections for U.S. news and Global news. Business, culture, education, and health  bring up the rear end of the genres being displayed. The fact that the Atlantic not only publishes stories in a written format but also visual and auditory formats allows it's audience to be more wide spread.

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