Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Faerie Lovers (My first attempt at bardic storytelling)

Faerie Lovers (My first attempt at bardic storytelling.. to the tune of "The highwayman" ish?)

One such beauty before her
One such beauty as his
Could scarcely hold her attention
The beautiful elven prince
She'd grown accustomed to beauty
it nearly made her bored
but his eyes caught her attention,
they eyes of an elven lord. 

He brandished his hand towards her, 
her fingers graced his skin.
He stood a full head taller,
her crown met his chin. 
He smiled down at her,
she couldn't help her grin
He took her into his arms, 
she was warm within his arms, 
He took her in his arms, 
and led her to the floor. 

Into the dancing circle,
with many a giggle and glee
they danced to their own music,
their bodies moving free,.
She smiled as he moved her, 
together they came as one
The elven prince before her,
the blue eyed prince before her,
The elven prince before her,
had her heart there on. 

They met each courtly gathering,
their responsibilities ignored,
holding each other closely
dancing evermore. 
They moved and twirled together
their souls paired to the core,
She knew her parting would hurt him,
doing her duty would hurt him,
she scarsley could dream to hurt him,
but knew it must be done. 

She left the dance in haste,
He followed her to the door.
I must leave you, my love
theres a calling I cannot ignore.
He begged her not to do it,
the humans could do as they pleased,
she shook her head and left him,
he fell to his knees. 

Her death was swift and painless,
her soul to move onward.
Born again a human,
teaching them how to love.
He knew he could not live without her,
he would follow her too,
His soul would watch over,
Protect her and watch over,
his love he would watch over,
his soul would guide her through. 

He watched as she grew,
A beautiful lady now. 
He reached out through the veil,
hearing her sweet heart pound. 
He would ever be there,
for her in her human form,
until they danced together,
their feet moving together,
their hands clasped together,
dancing the floor once more. 

She knew her guide was watching,
she would never be alone. 
She was called to love the humans,
her soul still faerie in form. 
She would show them love,
teach them the ways of old. 
She would call on him to remind her,
whenever she longed for home. 

He would be her guide,
she would be his charge.
Together they would complete
the mission of her heart.
Though sadly they were not together,
the souls were barley apart... 
Their love was something pure,
soul to soul so pure,
something that can be so pure...
will last forever more. 

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