Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sojourner: An open letter to the reader

Dear reader,

Please understand that this memoir is a message from the me who has lived life to the younger me, the me who was hurting all alone, and to the me before I experienced fear at the hands of a lover. This memoir is a message from my heart to the hearts of all innocent people who have experienced similar pain and betrayal... and to warn and educate those who have not so that they may avoid the it’s cold and merciless lesson.

I had it easy. There are so many other people, men and women of all ages, who went through even worse than me... and though it may be small comfort know that this memoir serves as my arms. I pray that my words embraces your heart and shows you that you are not alone. Your pain and the weight you carry on your life’s journey is seen and honored. Though my weight is lighter, I can tell you my arms are not strong... this is a weight and struggle that has shaped my life and will continue to do so.

To those who feel like I do, that they got off easy... do not discount your pain. It is not a competition. The weight of your experiences is unique in its heaviness to you... while others may see it as light, you and I may feel as if we will crumble beneath it at times. Know that you are not alone. There are people everywhere that are more than willing to help lift it when things seem too heavy or your arms seem to weak.

This memoir is my voice to myself and to those who suffer in their own hearts, I am with you and you are loved. You are valid.

To those eyes that scan the page, unable to relate to the experiences shared - do not worry or feel excluded. Your heart is just as valuable to me as the ones who seek healing, for I wish to protect you and shield you. Take these words that I give and learn and be warned. Go into the world prepared so that no one can use you or ever make you feel weak and helpless. I pray that the knowledge I can pass from my pen to your page will make you strong and sure on your path.

Dear reader - my heart aches for yours and is hopeful that the ache within me is helpful to you. While this memoir started as a means for me to begin to heal, it is my hope that it does the same for all who read it.

With great love,


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