Monday, June 1, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Okay so...

I am so torn up with everything that's going on. 

While I myself don't *personally* believe in riots and mass destruction I understand that this is what's needed. 

Peaceful protests are too easy to ignore and write off.  A mild annoyance to those in charge. The bigger the protests the more attention they bring. The riots... bring the message home. And honestly... it's not really the protesters who make it violent. If the cops didn't start the aggression then the anger wouldn't explode and the rioting wouldn't be as bad. 

But this isn't going away. Every death added to the list adds to the anger at the injustice. Before the anger would rise and be placated over time...  but i don't think thats the case this time. This has been a long time coming and I truly think this is the second wave of the civil rights movement. And sadly real change only comes after shows of violence.... hitting where its impossible to ignore. 

It really does make me think of the tower tarot card. Shit is about to get ROUGH for everyone. The system (tower) has to come down so it can be rebuilt. 

-All the cops presently working should be vetted and gone over with a fine tooth comb. Racists should be fired. Any with a history of excessive force should be suspended, investigated, and fired. -When a trial involving a black person goes to court, there should be more black people present in the jury - they deserve to be tried in front of a jury of their peers. 
-Any judge affiliated with the KKK or white supremacy in any way should be stripped of power. (on that note anyone who is a known Klansman should be arrested for domestic terrorism)  
- The last should be applied to ALL industry leaders including health and political. 

The system is shoddy, skewed, and unfair. Police as a whole need to be retrained and the process to become a police officer needs to be a hell of a lot harder and with psych evaluations and social media checks. It's too easy to be a cop and cops have too much power.  A citizen who witnesses police brutality should be able to intervene without fear of punishment. I know that not all cops are bad. But any cop who witnesses another use excessive force or abuse their power and does nothing is just as bad as the perpetrator. Unfortunately, while i KNOW good cops are out there.... they are outnumbered. 

This all needs to change and peace is not the way to do it. It all needs to come down and be rebuilt. Its not comfortable. People are getting hurt on all fronts, by both protestors, posers, and police. Chain stores should be the only targets but unfortunately local businesses are being hit too. Some may never recover. But Material things are not worth more than the lives that have been lost and the lives that will continue to be lost. 

This is really only the beginning... more innocent people will be hunted and targeted. Arrests will only grow more violent as anger mounts on all sides. Something has got to give eventually. I think this will be a problem for a while.... but I think as time goes on and as more and more "bad apples" come to light eventually the wicked will be weeded out. The riots complicate things because they can get out of hand so easily... but they also wouldn't be started if it wasn't for aggressive and unnecessary police force and white supremacists. Sooner or later it will be learned that this isn't ending until everyone is tired of fighting and ready to listen and work together to fix the problem.

people aren't wrong when they say that we should all be coming together and moving forward.... but until the other side has grown exhausted of the fight, they won't be willing. We have to go through the growing pains and chaos before we can finally reach the peaceful conclusion... although I do think that is where this will end. It could be months. I fearfully think it could be years. But something's gotta give... the tower will come down... and then TOGETHER we can build a new one. 

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