Thursday, June 4, 2020

Mab/Maeve Dream Messages

Okay so I've had a nagging thought in the back of my mind that theres a bunch of readings i have been putting off and last night Mab/Maeve called me out on it. She also said that I don't need to delve into my native heritage, i have my home in the celtic world. What I already have is enough.

so time to catch up.

  1. Host Roll Call - use faerie oracle cards for the host to identify themselves - 1 card each. greet and record any new members. 
  2. While I have the fae oracle out - What do I need to be on the look out for/What do I need to be aware of moving forward?
  3. General reading Amy
  4. General Reading Cecil
  5. Do another Brigid cross with the same question for the fae, since her last reading has already come to pass. 
  6. I need to do an animal medicine reading on myself. 
  7. Need to pull crone stones see if Maeve/Mab has anything else to say about the direction I am going. - Pull from her Tarot Deck as well?
  8. I guess i can use her Tarot to answer how she is feeling about me not going on the retreat? Its supposedly a big spell, so maybe she would care that i'm not going? Brigid is fine with it and I even think Brigid orchestrated my non-involvement last time. I don't think Mab will have an issue with it, but since it was mentioned in the dream in passing, I might as well ask her cards (she said the dream wasn't about that through pendulum tho). 
If the "retreat" magic spell trip is involved its her telling me to get over my anxiety at not going. 

I made the choice, I stick by the choice, the goddess I was supposed to work with supports the choice, so why the hell am I anxious? Because I want to please others too much and I need to depend on my backbone and not try to make others happy at the cost of my own mental health. 

^Don't know where that came from... Maybe I should pick automated writing again... 

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