Wednesday, July 29, 2020

More Puppy Notes

what we will need delivered every month:

- Dog Food: needs 2 cups of food a day....
14 pound bag has 56 cups of food - once a month? $30
28 pound bag has 112 cups of food - every 2 months? $50
- potty bags $6

Heartworm and flea meds every 3 months  - $90 

Training games!
Hide and Seek
This can be done with either a person or a favorite toy.

Hide the toy in a hidden place and allow the dog to find it using their senses of smell and sight. This game uses more senses and helps them burn some of their energy off. (Aromatic balls would be good for this)

Come to Me
Sit with the puppy between two people and call them over, each time rewarding with treats or hugs. This game promotes both recall and obedience behavior.

Freeze Games
To do this you should place something that your dog wants just in front of them while they sit or lay down and tell them to leave it.
If they do not go for the treat or toy they can have it. This teaches them restraint and helps them overcome mentally hyperactivity.
Mental stimulation:

- puzzle treat toys/interactive toys
- leave TV on with the sound up to keep her entertained (animal planet or something with lots of animal noises - i think there are youtube playlists)
-Access to windows...keep the blinds up when not home. 
- hollow toys with treat paste or peanut butter
- Calming Chews
- Freeze a treat in ice; lots of stimulation licking it to get to the treat or toy

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