Sunday, September 15, 2019

qualities for spell

- patient
- kind
- good communicator
- likes similar music
- is witchy (faerie witchy preferred)
- gets along with the important people in my life
- aesthetically pleasing
- lives within 30 minutes of me
- confidence, not arrogant
- likes cats
- kink positive
- must be able to make me laugh
- ambitious but not greedy —> driven
- romantic
- passionate about something that they do —> supportive of other passions
-maternal/paternal --> good with kids and very nurturing
- protective... i want them to make me feel safe.
- academic/scholarly
- strong enough to pick me up
- desire to grow individually and together —> no stagnation

*need to sort desired vs mandatory

- kisses in the dark/morning cuddles
-tantric sex/"active cuddling"
- singing loudly to music (at home and in the car)
- them singing to me while cuddling/going to sleep
- slow dancing together at home
- camping and ecstatic dance in nature
- spells and partying with group
- making offerings to the fae together
- goofing off while running errands
- homecooked meals and movie marathons
- being held as i go to sleep and waking up still in their arms.
- bobby dates.... them reading while i write for hours.... keeping eachother inspired.
- “moral boosts” throughout the day.

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