Friday, September 16, 2016


on a brighter note....

so i made a friend i  my nonfiction english class.
he's kinda awesome.

after sharing the first bit in the class (the oe about why i write and being alone in highschool) he asked me about my blog. I was shocked, hesitant but figured, why not?
so i gave it to him.

I'm glad i did. He is just such a kind person.

and then when i posted my memoir, which i titled "Lightning"
(Link: )

here was his comments:

Oh. My. God. 
Sooo you and I talked about this in class, and I had, like, so much to say, but didn't know where to start! I'm really glad that I have this comment section to fully praise this piece. 
Having read it a second time for reference, I wanted to just skim it for the major talking points, but I found myself completely and utterly captivated by the way you tell this story. 
  • You've got that catchy theme that goes along with your title that really does a splendid job of giving your thoughts and emotions weight and depth, which is awesome! I also love how you're able to wrap it all up with that "Lightning" theme at the end.
  • I adore the examples you used with the sim characters, and the barbies. I found it really fun and interesting for that sort of aspect being in your life for so long. 
  • The flow of your story fits very well; I pretty much never came across an aspect of the story that felt clunky, superfluous, or out of place. I'd like to add that your transitions are very powerful and appropriate.
  • Your writing really works for me because it blends both complex, poetic language into an easy-to-read package. 
Another thing I would like to sort of tack onto this is how much it resonated with me as a person. This might sound a little biased because I've read your blog, and have more of an insight into the kind of person you are, but I really have to say this. When I read your piece, there were a couple parts in which I felt really, REALLY sad. This is not only because I can relate in a way, but because of the parts that you said things like "I couldn't be one of them," or "I wasn't good at being gay". For me, it feels so dehumanizing to imagine being alienated because of who you are. You couldn't fully accept who you were purely because you were afraid what those around you would think, do, or say. Maybe those feelings aren't as profound as they were when you were younger, but not being able to fully come to terms with who you are, at least to me, is an absolutely horrifying thought. As someone who's kind of still figuring out his sexuality, I feel that it is so very refreshing to read.
Seeing as how I'm on the hype-train for this story, I can't think of a thing that I didn't love about it. I'm sorry I couldn't be really helpful in terms of revision, but I felt that it was my responsibility to express how much I personally loved it. If I've absolutely gotta come up with something, it'd be that the story is maybe a littttle bit off on the ratios of summary and reflection. I think that the story *might* be a little summary-sided, but I could be totally wrong; I think the story works very well the way it is now.
Okay, okay, I'll stop fangirlingxD 
Lisa, you're a great writer, and a great person, and I'd like to thank you for writing this piece. It was very touching, and I'm really glad that the outcome was ultimately optimistic!
this made me cry. I was so happy.
first off, he complimented my writing style and that was nice. but it was the fact that it actually meant something to him... that's what did it. The fact that he found my peice sad, surprised me, since i didn't find it sad... but then i did. He picked up on the underlying pain in my writing, that i hadn't realized i put in there. When he mentioned that.... i felt like he saw me. like he actually saw me, as who i am and not the me that i am putting out into the world on a daily basis. It was refreshing and overwhelming to encounter someone who honestly saw me. it made me cry.

And the fact that he is so compassionate and kind about what he saw/sees, only makes it better. I'm glad i gave him by blog. I'm glad i let someone other than my one or two close friends have a glimpse into who i am. And to him, i say thank you.

1 comment:

  1. And thank you. :) This was so kind of you to say, and I'm frankly honored! Keep being the warm and compassionate person YOU are! It just feels so odd, you know, to see someone so hopeful and driven the way you are. I don't want to be too cheesy, but I just get this vibe of non-judgmental love from you towards everyone, and that's just so admirable. The amount of kindness you shared with just some complete stranger just blows my mind. It's a quality that I aspire to have!

    Keep being the person you are!
    And again, thank you.
    Thank you for your kindness, your support, and your friendship.
    (Edited because I was really sleepy when I wrote that. I woke up with that atrocious garbled mess on my screen, and thought I could clean it up a bit. xD)
