Thursday, September 29, 2016

interpreting meditation as if it were a dream

in a way, when i meditated i let my mind do what it wanted.... and it was almost like a dream. so out of curiosity i'm going to interpret it as one.
puzzle pieces 
body - To dream about your own body signifies your level of self-worth and self-esteem. Often times, these qualities are dependent on your physical appearance or how your perceive yourself. The dream body also reflects your conscious identity or is representative of your state of health

Tree - To see lush green trees in your dream symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation. 

stars - To see stars in your dream symbolize excellence, success, aspirations or high ideals. You are putting some decision in the hands of fate and luck. Perhaps you are being too "starry eyed" or idealistic. Or the stars may represent a rating system. You are you trying to evaluate a situation or establishment. Alternatively, the stars signify your desire for fame and fortune

soul - To dream that your soul is leaving your body represents your feelings of self-guilt. You may have compromised your own beliefs and values. Perhaps you are feeling numb and out of touch with those around you. It is time to change some vital part of your waking life in order to feel fully alive and whole again

floating - To dream that you are floating on air indicates satisfaction, contentment and acceptance of some situation. You are letting go of your problems and rising above obstacles. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a new perspective on things. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle. Alternatively, floating in your dream suggests that you are wandering through life aimlessly with no goals. You are just going with the flow.

swimming - To dream that you are swimming suggests that you are exploring aspects of your subconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. 

ground - To dream that you are on the ground represents your foundation and support system. It is also the boundary between your conscious and subconscious. You may be getting closer in confronting and acknowledging your subconscious thoughts. The dream may be a pun on being well-grounded and down to earth or that you have been grounded. Perhaps you are feeling restricted in some aspects of your life.

putting them together
okay so.... my body became the tree.
Both the body and tree talk about sense of self. So i need to focus on improving myself - this makes sense because i am having conflicting emotions about my physical body as well as i am experiencing a change in spirituality.

My soul floated out of my body and above the tree
I'm feeling guilty about something involving myself and i need to accept and let go of whatever it is i am feeling guilty about.

my soul swam in the stars
i'm looking into my subconious and emotions, but i'm leaving it up to fate and luck.
***it was when i was swimming in the stars that i felt peace.... maybe giving it all up to fate and luck is how i will come to ...

Then i came to the earth/ground and melted into it/became one with it.
To be on it means i am close to finding out what it is that is that is affecting me (i have felt that something is off balance for a little while now), i guess then to be IN or OF the earth means that i will figure it out.
finished picture

There is something that i am feeling guilty about in my search for self growth and my emotions, whatever it is i need to let go of it and leave it to fate - by doing that i will find it and all will end well.

I really feel like this is in regards to my spiritual journey but also in the fact that i need to accept that my crush has moved on - but that i iwll one day have happiness.

to i think it is talking about both my spirituality and my love life.

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