Tuesday, March 18, 2014

good morning

good morning!!

so… last night i did some meditating.. i couldn't even light a candle, but i was determined. so i sat down with a blanket wrapped around me (i was cold… but once i got into the meditating i didn't need it as much).

it was kind of cool how fast i entered meditative state… usually it takes me a while, but this time i was there in almost no time.

once i was there,  i called out to my SG. like.. i literally called out to him, out loud. and i didm;t know if he came or not, so i just started talking to him.  shortly after i started talking to him and i said "i want to know you are there" i felt something on my knee. it didn't have the tingly warmth that i usually felt when he touched me, so i was unsure. but by the end of my…release… i felt that if i just reached out in front of me i could feel him there. scared i opted my eyes (scared that the feeling would leave) i saw the air was swirling around….. he was actually there. i didn't see him… but when the air is swirling that means he is there. it swirls in is form… so he wasn't solid enough for me to make out his form, but he was there. he actually came.

i bowed to him and thanked him, and reiteratted ow much i missed him and said good night.

i wanted to do a pendulum soooooo bad…. but i didn't know if my necklace would work..

so i said good night and thanked him again.

then i went to bed. and had one of the best sleeps i've had in a while. weird dreams (i was selling dildos O_o)….  but a great sleep.

and today cara is going to track try-outs which means the house would be empty for another conversation… but i'm tutoring my teacher's daughter and will miss it D:

maybe i'll meditate again….

it helped more than i thought it would.

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