Thursday, March 20, 2014


UGH! why do all small liberal arts colleges have to be christian colleges!!!

now my aunt would argue that Agnes is a christian college because it has an affiliation to.... i don't remember..
 but thats just it. almost no one ever remembers... because its such a weak affiliation and it does not identify as a christian colleges!!!

christian colleges identify as such and on their website and in pamphlets it talks about god or jesus or faith...  this one i got in the mail... didn't seem to OVERLY christian.. it just said its a christian liberal arts colleges... the first thing i see on its website? " inspire your FAITH" . AT. ALL.

but ECU is so big... and it doesn't have Yoga and self defense as a class.... and its a party school.... and although it has a very open and acepting-ness of LGBT stuff... and it has Anthropology... thats pretty much the only reason why i like it. Its pretty. LGBT friendly. and has Anthropology...

but so does Agnes. I have made lists... i will bold anything that really inflences my opinion... and italic the good.

Agnes is all women.
Agnes is LGBT friendly.
Agnes is beautiful.
Agnes is liberal arts.
Agnes is small.
Agnes has self defense as a physical education class.
Anges has yoga as a physical education class.
Agnes has a Earth-based religious group. <---- that is one of the biggest things. seriously. SERIOUSLY.
Agnes has cultural and religious anthropology. both.
Agnes has Astronomy as a physical science. it actually has a big dome with a big telescope.
Agnes is expensive out the ass.

ECU has Anthropology
ECU is beautiful
ECU is big
ECU has friends i will know
ECU is LGBT friendly
ECU has not one, but 2 pools.
ECU would allow me to be closer to my cat. (i am more depressed about leaving smokey than i am about leaving my mom.)
ECU would allow me to be closer to Woolard.
ECU is cheaper than Agnes. 
ECU is so close to home. 

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