Friday, May 30, 2014


so today i wanted to do something nice... for a not very nice person. My friends were trying to talk me out of it and they said some things that made me sad.

"she won't do anything nice back"
"there's no point"
"I don't like her"


so there has to be a point or gain to inspire kindness?

the point? to be kind.
the gain? doing something kind.
I don't like her either... but i'll still help her.

it really makes me sad that there is a "whats in it for me?" attitude when it comes to doing something nice.
i don't have that.

there was a mess no one was going to clean i was going to do it.

not expecting anything in return.
not expecting to be thanked.
not expecting a reward.

just to be nice.
it was the right thing to do.

why is that such a rarity now?
why do people no longer have the desire to help others?

this really bothers me.

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