Friday, May 9, 2014


so i'm trying to remain in a good mood.

every time i have to think about getting stuff done for ECU i can't help but feel bitter and a bit sad/jealous. I hear everyone talking about going to their dream schools...

and ECU is a good school - i know. and if i'm staying here it has to be for a reason.

but... i'm so tightly strung it isn't funny.

the car i was sure i would have my accident in? died. and is ging to be taken to the junk yard.... whut.
what if that means my accident won't happen? that i'll be stranded here? WHAT THEN.

plus i have so much to get done for ECU....

i have to accept my loan...
.but get a Gov issue ID first...
i need to find out how to sisgn up for an orientation
orientation is going to cost AT LEAST a hundred dollars
a parking pass will cost AT LEAST 250!!!! are you kidding me????

and there are so many people going to ECU...
and on the ECU class page on facebook? its just so... i don't feel it. On Agnes page everyone was accepting and supportive and instantly friendly and cool... it felt like a close group of friends from day 1... ECU page? not.

positive. focus. positive.
i get my own room.
i can set up an alter.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for opening up to me earlier about this <3 I'd like to help in any way I can. I'm here for you and totally support you!
