Friday, May 17, 2019

result... kind of?

okay. so jimmie and I are still fighting.

I honestly just.. i don't get it. I don't get him. I don't get any of this fucking bullshit.

but fine.

I will hardcore look for a roommate and a place to move out to in august.

I think the plan is for when i go back home to move my stuff into the spare bedroom and move all of his work and printing stuff unto the living room because i don't think it will fit in the bedroom.

he wants continued space, I will give him that. its only 2-3 months left. Its better than locking the cats in this tiny room at my mom's all day where they can't do or go anywhere. Jimmie can even close his door at night so sweetpea and smokey won't wake him up.

I have to wait to order the mattress until its officially the plan. Then i'll just sleep on the futon until it arrives. I'll take back my bed frame and my TV and just stay in the room.  Its only for 2 months so maybe jimmie will let me keep my my clothes and the dresser in the big room and i'll move the catlitter into my room so Diana can stand to be in the living room.

we are separating.

I don't know if this is a break up yet. With the way things are going, we are headed that direction very quickly.

but we are separating.

I stood up for myself. I held my ground. I am keeping to my standards.
he never addressed when he stopped respecting me. He's acting all "woe is me" because he's "sacrificing" his desire to date other people.

we agreed on monogamy two months into the relationship. and hes only chosen the last two months to throw a hissy fit about it. I don't understand his desire to casually date around. Casual dating is for courting and getting to know someone, to move on to a serious relationship. You don't causally date and expect a serious relationship to just wait in the background.

He said he was totally fine with monogamy when we started.
now its a great "sacrifice" on his end.
fuck that.

want more time to himself.  Fine.

he has:
8 hours of work.
4 hours of alone time.
5 hours with me.
7 hours of sleep.

I have:
5-5.5 hours of work
3.5-4 hours of alone time.
5 hours with him.
10 hours of sleep

I went from spending 8+ hours a day with him to 5, and i made myself content with that. But he wants more alone time and less time with me.

so i'm going to give that to him.

I'll be out of his hair in august, december at the latest because we can do month to month and hes going to need time to find a two bedroom with diana. If they don't allow me to stay then I guess its another two months at my moms, maximum.

then i'll be out of his hair.

He can come see me when he wants to be around me.


I need to start looking for boxes for my stuff.
I have two months to save up to move.
I have two months to find a roommate and a place to live.
lol i'm going to lose netflix since i told my mom it was okay to drop me since i use jimmies. that was dumb.

I'm in the same damn predicament i was in last summer.

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