Friday, October 25, 2013

last night's dream

SO last night i had a dream that jake and i were going on this adventure... we weren't back together, but we were both being forced to go so we had to go together. He seemed fine with this, and i was reluctant. we end up having a pretty good time and while joking around...we end up kissing...and maybe a little more.
i'm the one that stops, and walks away back to the car.

several miles and bags of gummie worms later (i have to stop eating after eating several bags because i start to feel sick), we are talking and again having a good time.  somewhere down the line i end up being a mermaid, and taking pictures of these 3 mermaids and one merman. While i'm taking pictures, the merman is supposed to be posing with one of the  mermaids. It is supposed to look sensual and he understands that, but then he starts kissing the mermaid's neck and running his hands along her sides. (the merman is like, their mentor or best guy friend...or SOMETHING that makes this taboo because i could feel that something was wrong )... and then i woke up.

according to dream dictionary:
Candy: To see or eat candy in your dream symbolizes the joys and the special treats in life. It also represents indulgence, sensuality and/or forbidden pleasure. You may be devoting too much time to unimportant issues. A more direct interpretation suggests that you are eating too much candy and sweets

Gummy Worms: 

  • To see or eat gummy worms in your dream indicates that an unappealing situation or person is being presented in a more palatable way. The dream is also telling you that you are being misguided or deceived and need to make better, informed decisions
  • To dream of a gummi bear represents a pleasant situation that is harder to enjoy than you first thought it would be. Negatively, a gummi bear may be a sign that you too enthusiastic about something that is unrealistic. 


  • To see a mermaid in your dream signifies the female aspect of yourself that is mysterious and secretive. It may also show a fear of sex. In particular, for a man to dream of a mermaid, it indicates that he is having fears of being drowned by the feminine aspect of his psyche. For a woman, it suggests doubts over her femininity.To dream about a shelled necklace with the word "mermaid" etched on it indicates that you are not letting your vulnerabilities show through. You are putting on a tough facade. Alternatively, the mermaid may symbolize something very personal to you.
  • To dream of a mermaid represents temptation or clever deceptions. Your feelings about something attractive or interesting that leads you astray. A deceptive lure. A person or situation that enchants you before turning on you.

photographer: To dream that you are a photographer represents your desire to hold on to a certain image, time or period in your life.
subconsciously i am trying to hold on to my relationship with jake (my guilty pleasure) which is a bad decision and i need to let go... and its ending has made me doubt myself as a girlfriend....

thats what i got from the dream anyway?

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