Tuesday, March 31, 2020

adorable, why it bothers me.


The word alone carries a positive connotation. 

When someone uses the word sexy they use it as a means to communicate that they want whatever it is they are describing. 

"that car is sexy" = "I want that car"

Sexy when applied to people indicates that the described person has elicited a sexual response in another person. Different people find different traits sexy. To some confidence and strength are sexy. To others meekness and dependance are sexy because it makes them feel needed. Adults are sexy. 

To feel sexy is to feel confident and powerful. At least to me. 
It ensures that you won't be alone and ensures that the safety-net of sex is there. 
While i like when others consider me sexy, only one person matters: my partner. 

If my partner finds me sexy then it means they want me around them and they are less likely to leave because they get a positive sexual response, even if its mild in degree, when around me. 

Sexy means safe and wanted and desired. 
Sexy is sought after. 

Adorable is also a word with positive connotations. 
its a more loving way to say something is cute. 

It's used to describe small things often desired in a different way. Adorable things elicit responses of happiness and mirth. A pet is adorable. 

When used to describe people it often is applied in a loving manner to people that ultimately look small or weak. A child is adorable. 

Adorable usually indicates someone or something that needs to be taken care of. 

Both words are positive words. 
One makes me feel strong. One makes me feel small (not in a bad way). 

I want to be taken care of. 
I also want to be desired; (because sex is fun and a good way to pass the time and feel closer to your partner. It's also a power rush, to know you can elicit that kind of primal response in another person). 

Both are good.... but each has their time and place. To only be one or the other takes away the positive effects of the individual being described. 

If all one hears is "sexy" then they don't feel appreciated. 
if all one hears is "adorable" then they don't feel desired. 

and who doesn't want to feel desired or wanted by their partner?

What's the point in dressing up in things that use to make me feel sexy if he doesn't find it sexy? What's the point of putting on makeup in ways that used to make me feel sexy if it doesn't do anything? 

Feeling sexy is where I got my confidence... If I wanted a bit more confidence one day I would wear lingerie under my clothes and it would boost my self esteem confidence... now if anything it does the opposite. It makes me feel like a kid playing dress up. 

I can dress up in things that make me feel pretty but if my partner doesn't think its sexy then I don't feel sexy. I just feel cute because i know i'm cute. 

I know i'm aesthetically attractive. I know that I am beautiful. I thought that I was sexy. 
but i'm just adorable. 

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