Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Shadow Work Journal 1

A) What qualities irritate you about others?
 - the inability to see other people's sides and perspectives
- ignorance/bigotry
- refusal to accept the truth/denial/confirmation bias
- people acting superior 
- arrogance/Pride
- entitlement 
- expecting others to just know things without actual communication 
- know it alls. 
-thinking something is wrong jus because it is different
- rudeness
- INCONSODERATION/ "fuck them" mentality. 
- can't face reality/must always be intoxicated

B)Do you see any of these characteristics in yourself?
- denila/confirmation bias
- i can be a know it all at times
- there are days i crave intoxication
-selfishness (occasionally) - "fuck them I to be happy"
- I can be prideful. 

C) Write about a situation or experience that emotionally charged you, and think about whether it might have triggered your shadow self.
 - I found something that made me happy, feeling betrayed by someone . thought I could trust and who turned out to have kept me at arm's length would be hurt if I pursued it. I figured I'd dedicated so much of my time to make others happy, why couldn't I have a turn? So I pursued it. It definitely triggered my shadow self. (selfishness)
- Someone thought they could "fix me" so I led them on and broke their heart. they deserved to be punished. (Pride.)
- I sometimes take pride in people's fear of me.... makes me feel powerful. 

D) Write about something about which you’re in denial.
 - I am often in denial of my own worth. I fail to see how stable my life can be, instead focusing only on the things that could go wrong. 
- I am in denial that I did anything wrong in both situations in letter C. 

E) Write about a situation where someone labeled you in a negative way. Maybe you were called stupid, bossy, controlling, shortsighted, judgmental, or narcissistic. How has this label affected the person you’ve become?
Letter C example 1. I feel I can not go after things that make me happy now because i will be called a whore, betrayer, short sighted, and selfish. 

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