Thursday, March 5, 2020

good article about understanding otherkin from a non otherkin POV


It seems any time the term Otherkin comes up it is met with disdain or mockery... or if it is suggested people vehemently deny it (kind of like boys would in middle school anytime "gay" was mentioned). People seem to equate it with childishness or delusions...

And honestly, it's really hurtful. 

Sometime in the past few months someone made a status on facebook mocking us... and then recently in a group chat I was in the term was thrown around with obvious "oh no I don't want to be associated with that" connotation, especially with the face made after it. From people I barely know its one thing.... but to have a friend do it... its been eating at me since. 

Here's my thing....


Why is otherkin so looked down on and mocked? We believe we have inhuman souls within our human bodies... if you believe anything has a soul then how is the belief that the soul is inhuman that far fetched? Its not like we live our lives screaming at the top of our lungs that we physically re what our souls are... we know our bodies are human. 

Its not a religion. Its more than a belief.... its just what we are. and I am so sick of it all. We go through a daily struggle, often causing depression and misery as we try to balance being human and living as humans while still having remnants of what we were. 

This article really describes it well.. form a non otherkin point of view who was totally skeptical until she went out and actually met some of us. 

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